Roblox Family Vacation - Goldies First Cruise Roleplay - Titi Games -

Roblox Family Vacation – Goldies First Cruise Roleplay – Titi Games

Titi Games
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I surprise Goldie with a Roblox Cruise vacation! Its her very first time! But things dont go as planned! This is a Travel Routine gone sour!
This Roblox game is actually a “Story”, its lots of fun to play with friends or family.
There are a few different endings to the game and you can play many times and get a different end.
Goldie & Titi love vacations, as you seen in other videos they love new adventures, in this game they left their home in Bloxburg for a new Roblox adventure, and Goldie was so happy to go on a cruise ship.
Hope you all enjoy this fun & funny roblox video ! We really loved playing this game:

Cruise [Story] 🛳
By Ponchokings

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